Hello World

I have been away for a while but I am back. I had a bad day and I need an outlet. I have tried Twitter and Instagram, but neither of them are making me feel better. I put on Adele with headphones, but that hasn’t helped. I even poured a glass of wine.

My brain is mad at me today. I don’t really know why but I need to get some thoughts out in order to distract my brain long enough for me to take back control.

I recently broke down and started taking medication for my depression. I waged my war for decades, but I feel like I have lost, so on to the pill popping for me. The first 6 months were a bit boring, but doc added a second pill a couple of months ago. Since then I have been riding high and hard. It was inevitable that I would fall and thankfully it wasn’t too low.

I have to keep telling myself that #DepressionLies. If you ever feel like you want to make a difference in someone’s world, search social media for that hashtag and say something nice and encouraging to strangers. You could make someone’s day better or even save a life. While social media may be the entry way to hell, it can also help us send love and positive thoughts out on a much broader scale.

I appreciate you for reading my thoughts here.

I think therefore I’m wrong

You are wrong.

Yes, I said that. I will also say that Donald Trump has some good ideas while Bernie Sanders has some bad ideas.

Wes Craven made a bad movie or two.

You can’t expect to be right all of the time and your ideas can’t always be ideal. Sometimes you just have to deal with the fact that Donald Trump isn’t a complete moron 24/7.

I have an opinion. I have a thought. I have a dream. I have a monkey. I have a need to come back. I have a fear of coming back. I have anger issues. I have, therefore I am.


Miley Cyrus is a Whore, but Daniel Radcliffe is a Stud

I try to stay away from calling people names, but this Miley Cyrus thing is getting way out of hand. People are so offended by her performance at the VMAs and are calling her racist and/or a slut even tasteless. I then read an article blaming women like Miley for rape or creating environments that perpetuate an atmosphere that leads to rape.

Miley Cyrus #twerks

Miley Cyrus #twerks

So why is Miley more shocking than others that do the same? According to viewers and commenters it is because we grew up watching Miley Cyrus grow up. Because Americans still see her as a child or even a teenager. Apparently women are not allowed to break out of their childhood roles like males are allowed to do.

What about Daniel Radcliffe? We grew up watching him and when he became an adult he did a lot more than just twerk. He went out and did a play wearing absolutely no clothes. Was there an uproar about this? Not that I heard. People rushed out to buy tickets.

Daniel Radcliffe #equus

Daniel Radcliffe #equus

Now I understand that being nude on stage can be a bit more artistic than twerking on stage, but who are we to decide what these actors do in order to break out of their wholesome childhood roles?

If Miley wants to make the decision to perform her act as she did and you are upset, don’t buy her music or movies or anything else she puts out. If she stops making money, she will change. When you get upset, though, ask yourself: Would I be this upset if a guy did this? If the answer is no, you are kind of a sexist and you might want to think about that.

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Balcony Gardener

I am trying my hand at gardening again. I went out this week and bought some rosemary plants, two pots and some soil. After a bit of work, I came up with this.


If this works out and I can keep at least half of the plants alive, I will work on expanding my garden.

Have you had any experience with balcony gardens? So you have any tips?

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Perfect to the Point of Abstinence

As my faithful followers know, I bought a domain name last year. After the fantastic run that I had in 2010 and 2011, I thought I was ready for the big time.

That purchase, however, was my downfall. My mind decided that since I was going to pay money to host this blog then I needed to make this blog more professional. I thought I needed to be QueerLandia. I thought I needed to work towards sponsors and contributors. I thought I needed perfection.

I couldn’t have been more wrong. My quirkiness disappeared and my strive for perfection reduced the number of posts. Slowly I went from posting three to five times a week to posting monthly. Finally, I just gave up. I wasn’t good enough. I didn’t have the right tools. I needed something else to make this work.

In short, I convinced myself that I wasn’t worthy of my own blog. This is 2013 though. I am accomplishing the impossible this year and failing miserably while succeeding beyond my belief. I used to be so terrified of failing that I stopped trying, but if you don’t try you can’t succeed.

So today I am going to try again. If I can quit smoking after nearly 25 years, I can do anything. I will do everything and I will fail, but I will also succeed.

Summer Break is Over


I haven’t posted in awhile. I like to tell myself that its because I was exhausted after managing two blogs last year while contributing to another blog. I also created a twitter account and a separate email address for my blogging. It was a lot to keep up with while working so many hours.

Honestly, though, I think I just stopped caring. I don’t know why, but I did. I ran out of opinions and got tired of talking about every gay issue until I was blue in the face. I was totally gayed out. I think I am back now. At least I hope I can keep coming back.

For those of you that kept coming back and hoping that a new post was here, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate the support. Now lets see if I can earn that support.

Troops march in San Diego gay parade – in uniform – Yahoo! News

SAN DIEGO AP — Some of the loudest cheers Saturday at San Diego’s gay pride parade were for active-duty troops marching in military dress, the first time that U.S. service members participated in such an event while in full uniform.Dozens of soldiers, sailors, and Marines marched alongside an old Army truck decorated with a “Freedom to Serve” banner and a rainbow flag. They were joined by dozens more military personnel in civilian clothes, but the uniforms stood out among the flower-bedecked floats and scantily clad revelers.Spectators waved signs reading, “Thank you for your service.” A woman held a placard that said: “My gay son is a Naval officer.””Today is so important,” said Navy Lt. Brian McKinney, who marched with his civilian partner, Hunter Hammonds. “It’s about putting on my uniform and taking pride in my service, my fellow service-members, my family and myself. It’s something I’m incredibly thankful for.”

via Troops march in San Diego gay parade – in uniform – Yahoo! News.