Tag Archives: Anthony Weiner

Sex and the Politician

I have to start this post off by stating that I really do not care about the sex lives of our politicians. Unless having sex with a hooker or sexting pics of your penis can compromise our national politics, I really don’t care. What I do care about is where our politicians stand on certain issues.

Currently, there is a lot of buzz around Newt Gingrich’s murky marital past. He has been married three times, had affairs and allegedly asked one of his wives to have an open relationship. While these stories make for great reading, I don’t see how this is relevant to the task at hand. The Republicans are trying to pick a presidential candidate. If Newt owed $300,000 in back taxes, that would be relevant. If Newt is continually overdrawing his bank account, that is relevant. Getting divorced, having an affair and the various other sex scandals are just not relevant. Continue reading

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